Wheat prices are still quite high in Brazil and keep historical high levels as business finds room to become effective. The director at Baco Corretora, Rita De Baco, said that “any other industry can adjust its costs, however in the crushing market there is no other product but wheat”. The Brazilian wheat market week is coming to an end with price levels averaging between R$ 1900.00 and R$ 1950.00 per ton FOB in the countryside of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. “Last week, we had prices of up to R$ 2,150.00 a ton at Rio Grande”, said Rita De Baco. Also, according to the director, “until last week, prices were reaching levels never seen before, the domestic market had to change its indications, as they were losing the only product that makes wheat flour”. Thus, the picture is still quite favorable for Brazilian wheat. With exports flowing better, prices are reaching better levels even in the domestic market. Even though, the producer must stay up to date on all current opportunities.

Source: Notícias Agrícolas (*Translated by Ia Niani)