Already in Porto de Santos, on the coast of São Paulo, the most modern dredger in the country and one of the most modern in its class in the world, the hopper Afonso de Albuquerque. The mission of the equipment with 3,500 cubic meters of cistern capacity is very noble, as emphasized by engineer João Acácio Gomes de Oliveira Neto, president of DTA – Engenharia Portuária & Ambiental. “The Port of Santos has the privilege of being the first in the country to receive one of the most modern equipment in the world in the hopper dredger class”, he observes, proudly, adding that the vessel is newly built, in 2018, in The Nerherands, “And it is the only equipment in Brazil with the ULE system (Ultra Low Emission)”. According to João Acácio, it is a high performance equipment, with great mobility capacity to dredge the channel and basins, in addition to the berths. He also explains that the dredging train contracted with Companhia Docas do Estado de São Paulo (Codesp), port authority of the Santos port complex, is 7 thousand cubic meters of cistern on one or more dredgers. The engineer, who has a specialization in ports from the University of Delft (The Netherlands), informs that the programming is, initially, to unseat sections 1 (external channel) and 4 (Barnabé-Alemoa Island). “The de-silting of the Port of Santos is one of the most important tasks for its full operation in the harvest periods, keeping agribusiness active as the most relevant vector in our trade chain.”

Source: Porto gente / Jornal Portuario