Appointed as the gateway to Mercosur, Paraná is expected to advance by ten years its goal of 60 million tons of cargo handling in its ports. In May alone, there were 6 million tons, considered an all-time record. Last year, the Paraná port complex handled just over 57 million tons, a volume close to the target set for 2030 with the national plan and port logistics (PNLP). According to Sandro Alex, Secretary of Infrastructure and Logistics for the government of Paraná, Portos do Paraná (public port complex formed by the ports of Paranaguá and Antonina) has already invested nearly R$361.5 million in projects, works, and services, such as the expansion of the pier and the modernization of Berth 201 (work which will allow larger ships to moor and will increase the handling capacity at the site by up to 140%), dredging for continued maintenance, and the renovation of passenger and tourism terminals on Ilha do Mel. The secretary also informs that another R$ 56 million were foreseen for the initial project to modernize the Port of Paranaguá, with which the complex’s operational capacity will increase by 100%. In all, the state’s export corridor (Corex) should receive R$ 1 billion in investments over the next few years. “

Sources: Valor Econômico/Datamar News