In October, the producing units in the Center-South sold a total of 2.14 billion liters of ethanol, recording a 29.81% drop compared to the same period of the 2020/2021 cycle. Of the total sold in the period, by 67.15 million liters were destined for the foreign market and 2.07 billion liters were sold in the domestic market. Hydrous ethanol sales in the domestic market reached 1.23 billion liters, which represents a considerable reduction of 34.92% over the amount of the last crop cycle (1.89 billion liters). The volume of anhydrous ethanol had a positive variation of 5.27%, with 842.67 million liters sold in 2021 against 800.49 million liters in 2020. Antonio de Padua Rodrigues, director of UNICA, explains that sales in October reflect the readjustment of the fuel market considering supply and price conditions. In the case of anhydrous ethanol, the current stocks, plus the production estimated for the upcoming months, will be enough to supply the domestic market.

Source: Jornal Cana (*Translated by Ia Niani)