The Company Docas of the State of São Paulo (Codesp) decided to establish, through a resolution of the Company’s Presidency, on an exceptional and transient basis, the operation of landing solid bulk in the public berths of the warehouse docks 12 A to 15, Outeirinhos, from 29 to 33 and from the warehouse 37. The initiative considered the increase in the flow of ships destined to this operation, mainly in the second semester, causing long waits for berthing. And also the availability of public cribs, which implies better use of the dock and reduction of costs caused by waiting. The use of berths now available requires the formal request of berthing directly to Codesp, through the shipowner or its legal representative, and must comply with the Priority and Mooring Rules of the Port of Santos, including those resulting from lease agreements. Operators should comply with environmental requirements, such as the use of special equipment to eliminate the emission of particulate matter during direct discharge to trucks. After the operation, special equipment should be removed immediately in order to avoid interferences in the operations performed in the contiguous sections. Docas also determines that the control of weighing of goods exit of the bonded area occurs, in addition to requiring the discharge operation to reach a minimum of 3.5 K tons per day. Discharges must occur uninterruptedly, except for rain or when there is no service request for periods from 7 pm Sunday to 7 am Monday.

Src: Portos e Navios