With new fall, gasoline price accumulates reduction of 29.1%

On the eve of the beginning of the 2020/21 harvest in the south-central region of the country, the production units face negative impacts for hydrated ethanol. Only on Wednesday (03/19) did Petrobras cut gasoline prices at refineries by 7.5%. Since 01/01, the reduction has accumulated 29.1%. This drop directly impacts the values of the biofuel used in flex vehicles. For comparative purposes, the value of the liter of hydrate for São Paulo plants accumulates a 7.79% drop between 2/14 and 3/13. The drop is determined by the Cepea Indicator, from Esalq / USP, and does not take into account the impacts of the new price reduction in force as of today at the refineries. According to the Cepea Indicator, the average liter value for the units was R $ 1.9437 without the incidence of PIS / Cofins and ICMS. On 02/14, the same liter had an average value of R $ 2.1203.

Source: Jornal Cana