Petrobras, a state-owned company in Brazil, has recently signed a two-year contract with YPFB (Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos) for the supply of 20 million m³ per day of natural gas to Brazil. The contract ensures that there will be enough gas to meet the demands of Mato Grosso do Sul. It also guarantees a possible supply of gas to UFN3 (Nitrogen Fertilizer Unit) in Três Lagoas. UFN3 is expected to consume 2.260 million m³ per day of fuel, so this contract provides enough volume to meet the gas demands of the unit. Petrobras has stated that the terms of the contract ensure “the supply in contractual balance for the companies and the possibility of additional sale of gas by YPFB to other Brazilian importers. In addition, there is greater security and predictability of gas supply to the market served by Petrobras.”

Source: Midiamax/Global Fert (*Translated by Ia Niani)