A lack of mooring berths and access bottlenecks at the Port of Santos liquid terminals are two of the main problems faced by users who work in operations with liquid chemicals and fuels at the Santos wharf. According to them, the combination of these two factors results in the loss of cargo to other port complexes in the country. Despite the cargo diverting reported by ABTL (the Brazilian association of liquid terminals),, the Santos pier registered an increase in its liquid operations last year. Official data from the Santos Port Authority (SPA) show that 18.77 million tons of liquid bulk were operated in 2020, 11.35% more in 2019. According to ABTL, in order to avoid the recurrence of these problems, SPA has carried out studies for the construction of another public mooring berth in Alemoa. It also began structural repair work on the Ilha Barnabé berths. “In addition to these two public berths being repaired, there is a project to build a third public berth, besides the investment already started by the private sector to construct another private berth on Ilha Barnabé, which should be operational in mid-2023”, highlighted ABTL.

Sources: A Tribuna/Datamar News