On Wednesday, Petrobras signed the contract for the sale of all its stake (51%) in Petrobras Gás S.A. (Gaspetro). The sale value is R$ 2.03 billion to be paid at the closing, subjected to the adjustments provided for in the contract. The closing of the transaction is subject to approval by the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (Cade). Gaspetro is a holding company with equity interests in 19 natural gas distribution companies, located in all regions of Brazil. Its distribution networks total about 10 thousand kilometers, serving more than 500 thousand customers, with a distributed volume of around 29 million cubic meters per day. Compass is a Cosan Group company, created in 2020 to operate in the gas and energy segment. It currently controls Comgás, the country’s largest gas distributor with more than 19,000 kilometers of installed network and 2.1 million customers, present in 94 municipalities in the state of São Paulo.

Source: Agência Brasil (*Translated by Ia Niani)