Almost 13 million tons of grains and hipro were exported through the Export Corridor of the Port of Paranaguá, from January to July this year. The volume is 10% higher than the volume handled in the same seven months of 2019. More than 97% of the complex’s exports, about 12.5 million tons, are soy. The product, in grain and hipro, remains the main demand of the terminals and operators of the Corridor. In the schedule, the products still represent the largest volumes to be loaded. Gradually, however, the corn appears again in the line-up and in the schedules, both for loading and unloading. “Corn, historically, is handled more intensively in the second half. We hope to continue with the good negotiations, both due to the high demand from the international market, as well as the good harvest and positive exchange rate for exports”, says the CEO of Portos do Paraná, Luiz Fernando Garcia. By September, operators of the complex expect to move more than one million tons of grains. According to the Department of Rural Economy (Deral), of the State Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply, Paraná should harvest, in this second harvest, about 11.5 million tons of corn. So far, the harvest totals about 26% of the planted area, of 2.3 million hectares.