Covid-19 quarantine should give a boost to orange juice exports in Brazil. The largest producer and exporter of orange juice in the world, Brazil produces 53% of global production, notable in São Paulo and Minas Gerais (Triângulo Mineiro), with 11,500 rural properties and 492,500 hectares. Of this total, 98% of orange production is destined for exports. The numbers reflect a business that is already considered particularly good and can be further improved. From July 2019 to April 2020, Brazil shipped almost 915 thousand tons of orange juice, up 17% over the same preceding period. For Europe, growth was up 25%, with 635.6 thousand tons. In April, the Port of Santos, the largest port complex of Latin America, exported 164,400 tons of the product, up 23% in relation to the same month last year. Revenues grew 4.5% (US$ 1.52 billion), compared to US$ 1.46 billion in previous harvesting period.

Source: Revista Dinheiro Rural