The new coronavirus pandemic did not harm the production and export of grains in Paraná. In the month of March, the movement in the state had an increase of 21% in comparison with the same month of 2019. And the expectation of the terminals that integrate the Export Corridor of the Port of Paranaguá is that, in the semester, the increase is of 20% compared to the same period last year. “We had a strong growth of 28% in the soybean crop this year in Paraná, compared to 2019. Production rose from 16.5 million tons in the 2018/2019 crop, to 20.8 million tons in 2019/2020”, explains Fabrício Fumagalli, director of the Interalli Group, which operates two terminals in the port of Paraná. According to him, Interalli Grãos’ growth forecast is 15% and with a change in the mix of products handled. “Last year, the first half, we operated a lot of corn. In this first semester, we had practically no corn, but we have more soy. With that, in the total matrix, we should grow around 15% ”, he explains. The positive outlook is supported by three main factors: the increase in production in Paraná, the favorable change in the exchange rate and the resumption of purchases by China. “The terminals are operating, most of the time, with little interruption. We have a lot of product, a lot of demand and another factor that is the dry climate – fundamental for the success of the operations in the Port of Paranaguá. These are factors that have helped us to overcome possible problems that the new coronavirus could bring ”, explains Helder Catarino, manager of the Interalli Grãos terminal, in Paranaguá.

Source: Portos e Navios