Soybean producers in the state of Paraná have already begun planting the 2021/22 crop, which is currently with almost 1% of the estimated area of 5.62 million hectares. The information is from the Agricultural Conjuncture Bulletin. The document is made by technicians from the Department of Rural Economy (Deral), from the State Secretariat for Agriculture and Supply. According to Marcelo Garrido, at Deral, the planting is mainly concentrated in the regional centers of Campo Mourão, Cascavel, Francisco Beltrão and Pato Branco. According to Brazil’s Supply Company (Conab), the total volume of soy produced in Brazil in the 2020/21 season was 135.91 million tons. The main producing states were Mato Grosso (35.88 million tons), Rio Grande do Sul (20.78 million tons), and Paraná (19.88 million). according to the US Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service, about 384 million tons of soybean will be produced in the world, Brazil is forecast to produce an all-time high soybean volume of 144 million million tons, followed by the United States (119 million tons) and Argentina (52 million tons).

Source: Canal Rural (*Translated by Ia Niani)