By the end of 2021, Petrobras’ refining market will gain eight more refineries, resulting in a more dynamic and transparent market, said Valéria Lima, Downstream executive director of the Brazilian Petroleum and Natural Gas Institute (IBP). “Brazil is a major oil exporter and will set up a different dynamic in the export and import of products”, said Valéria Lima, cutting off any risk of internal shortages. “It is not an advantage to export everything, for the consumer market is right over here”. Another change, says the director of IBP, refers to the relationship with prices, although contracts and prices for all buyers at the refineries are still the same, competition between investors should determine prices in the future. “With countless agents, it will be more clear about how much you pay for oil in Brazil, having more transparency”. Valéria also highlights that the performance of the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) will be vital in this process.

Sources: Estadão/ Portos e Navios

*Translated by Ia Niani