APM Pecém terminal will receive four large pieces of equipment in the coming months, ready for operation for the 2022 harvest. Three RTGs, cranes container operation in the yard, and an STS crane for ship operations were acquired. Daniel Rose, Managing Director of APM Terminals Pécem said that the investments follow the company’s strategy and reveal a business development in recent years. “We have always strongly believed in the potential of the Northeast and we want to be ready to accompany the growth of the coming years, serving our customers in the best way”, he said. In 2020, amid the pandemic, Pecém grew 9.6% compared to 2019. In 2021, until November, it had already registered a movement of 384 thousand TEU, up 10% from the same period of 2020. For 2022, the numbers are expected to reach 470 thousand TEU. Currently, the terminal already has two STS cranes in operation and the the arrival of the third equipment will increase the terminal’s productivity and enable the operation of two ships simultaneously. The expected arrival date is the beginning of the second half of 2022.

Source: Portos e Navios (*Translated by Ia Niani)