Cargo traffic at the Port of Santos, the largest in the country, grew 1.5% from January to October 2018, compared to the same period last year, reaching 110.6 million tons. There were 4,026 ship berths, down 0.4%. The data were disclosed by Companhia Docas do Estado de São Paulo (Codesp). Among the products shipped, soyabean (grains and bran) was the champion, with 24.98 million tons, up 20.8%. The second place was the sugar, with the mark of 12.89 million tons, a result 27.5% lower. In the third position, is the corn with 8.37 million tons, down 21.2%. Citrus juices recorded 1.92 million, up 13.6%. In the flow of landings, they were 31.67 million tons, growth of 6.7% compared to 2017, a record mark in the Port of Santos. The main product was fertilizer, with 3.27 million, an increase of 1.2%. The second most discharged cargo was sulfur, with 1.74 million (18.3% growth). Next are diesel oil (1.56 million), wheat (1.13 million) and caustic soda (815.7K). In October, 10.25 million tons were registered, down 9.8% compared to the same month in 2017. The berths totaled 380 vessels, 6.9% less than in October last year. In shipments, the volume was 14.2% lower, especially corn (1.5 million tons). In landings, there was growth of 1.9%, reaching 3.15 million tons. The fertilizer was the product with the highest turnover (396.2K).

Src.: Canal Rural