After announcing a 1,600% readjustment in the tariff charged over the Vessel Traffic Information and Management System, Vports, the company responsible for the ports in Espirito Santo, was thwarted by the National Waterway Transportation Agency (Antaq) from applying it until May 17 – the date when the new charge will come into effect. The company stated that “it has complied with all contractual obligations, reaffirming its commitment to increasing the quality of services provided and lowering the cost of cargo handling. Until then, the company must explain the rationale behind “adjustments that increase port tariffs. Under private management since September 2022, then-Companhia Docas do Espírito Santo (Codesa) could have readjusted the tariff table after six months, as stated in the concession contract signed.
Sources: A Tribuna/Datamar News