Diving services for underwater inspection of the pier structures have been led in the port of Paranaguá, to identify, diagnose, and solve possible problems. The contract for the service will last one year, with an investment of R$ 2.8 million, in Ports of Paraná’s own resources. “It’s a way of getting to know the current situation of our submerged structures to see if there is any spot to be repaired. Therefore, we improve safety for the operations, workers, and the port community”, says André Cassanti Neto, Director of Engineering and Maintenance at Portos do Paraná. The service will be carried out throughout in the port’s pier, which has an approximate length of 4.7 thousand meters, from berth 201 to berth 218. According to Cassanti, preventive maintenance can reduce risks. “The purpose is to check for cracks, fissures, corrosions, and damages along the pier, so that they can be repaired, preventing further structural damage”, he said.

Source: Portos do Paraná (*Translated by Ia Niani)