The 21 companies that move grain in the Port of Paranaguá must move 7.5 million tons of grain in the next three months, of which 4.7 million are soyabeans. The estimate is from the Port Administration of Paranaguá and Antonina (Appa). The amount will be sold by ten private terminals and 11 public. Since the beginning of the year, more than 2.7 million tons of soyabeans, corn and soyabean meal have been shipped in 47 vessels – 27 with soyabeans, according to Appa, in a note. By March 10th, another eight ships should arrive at the port of Paraná to load soya, soyabean meal and corn. The movement of grain from the 2018/19 harvest, the Southeast and the Midwest to Paranaguá will also increase the flow of trucks as of this week. The port’s sorting yard, where normally a thousand vehicles a day circulates, already receives 1,7K trucks and the number that can reach 2K vehicles in the beginning of March, according to the port authority. 72% is produced in Paraná, 10% comes from Mato Grosso, 9% from Goiás, 3% from Mato Grosso Sul and around 2% from Santa Catarina, São Paulo and other states.
Source: Revista Globo Rural