The year 2025 began with a very strong demand for biofuel. From December 30 to January 3, the volume of hydrated ethanol traded on the spot market in the state of São Paulo almost doubled compared to the previous period. In the week between December 30 and January 3, the Cepea/Esalq indicator for hydrated ethanol was R$2.6712 per liter (net of ICMS and PIS/Cofins), an increase of 0.99% compared to the previous period. In the case of anhydrous ethanol, the price rose 0.82%, to R$3.0339 per liter. In the same period, the Cepea/Esalq indicator for white crystal sugar registered a slight increase of R$0.08% compared to the previous week, with the average price at R$160.43 per 50-kilo bag.
Source: RPA News/Globo Rural