VLI’s integrated system began moving its’ first trains loaded with the 2022/23 soybean crop. The multimodal system managed by VLI allows soy harvested, mainly, in the states of Minas Gerais, Goiás, Tocantins, Maranhão and Mato Grosso, to be destined for export in three different port complexes: São Luís (MA), Vitória (ES) and Santos (SP), informs the company, in a statement. To handle this flow, which starts now and runs through the second half of the year, with peaks in February, March, April and July, the company uses three logistical corridors: the Mid-Southeast and Mid-East Corridors of Centro-Atlântica Railroad (FCA), in addition to the northern section of the North-South Railroad (FNS).
Sources: Money Times/Datamar News