New survey by DATAGRO projects a record crop for South America in 2020/2021. The area is estimated at 61.48 million hectares, below the 61.69 mln ha of the previous forecast, but 2% higher than the 60.19 mln ha of the 2019/20 season, setting a new historical record. Considering the larger area and a near-normal general yield, South America is expected to have a production lower than the previous projection, 194.52 million tons against 196.94 million tons, but still 1% higher than the revised record for 2019/20 (193.10mt). The new survey shows an increase of 4% in the area to be harvested, rising from 37.45mln ha to 38.96mln ha, with the potential to reach 136.34mt, which represents an increase of 6% over the last crop.
Source: Datagro (*Translated by Ia Niani)