Companhia Docas do Rio de Janeiro (CDRJ) inaugurated a new road-access gate to the Port of Rio de Janeiro, located at the end of Rua General Sampaio in the neighborhood of Caju. This is the Novo Portão 32, designed to receive up to 2,600 vehicles per day of road traffic from Avenida Portuária. It was carried out and funded with Docas do Rio’s own resources, totaling an investment of around R$3.8 million. The structure is equipped for service road vehicles, with modern facilities for the Port Guard, new paving and signaling, and four reversible ‘gates’. The gates are large enough for trucks to maneuver and have the technology and automation needed to quickly and safely facilitate entries and exits in an organized manner, avoiding queues and traffic jams. The New Gate 32 will work in synergy with the other gates and it is estimated that it will initially be responsible for more than 40% of the vehicles scheduled for the Port of Rio de Janeiro.
Source: Datamar News