Portocel, in Aracruz (ES), began in April its first operation tests using the dynamic draft system. The port is one of the first in Latin America authorized to operate this technology. The dynamic draft rules use the ReDRAFT system, which calculates more accurately the clearance below the keel of the ship, considering each ship characteristics, and the particularities of the access channel, as well as the environmental data that could provoke effects during the maneuver. The Portocel team, representatives of the Captaincy of Ports, Companhia Docas do Espírito Santo (Codesa), Praticagem of Espírito Santo, and Argonáutica, the company that operates ReDRAFT, went along with the first tests. “The first tests were considered a success from the activities before the maneuver to the execution by the pilots”, said Anderson da Silva Santos, manager of Port Operations and Planning at Portocel. He explains that the dynamic draft system offers more safety and efficiency to the terminal with the rational calculation of the dynamic clearance below the keel.
Source: Portos e Navios (*Translated by Ia Niani)