After establishing solid partnerships with ports in Southern and Southeastern Brazil, Dubai’s government venue for promoting global trade, the World Logistics Passport (WLP), is now eyeing investments in the so-called Northern Arc [Arco Norte] as its next route for expanding Brazilian exports to the Arab world. Grain shipments are at the forefront of this strategy, along with fruits and other halal products from Brazil, such as meats. During a mission from the Ministry of Agriculture to the Middle East, Senator Irajá presented a project to the Dubai government to implement a waterway to transport goods to the region’s ports. The project involves the implementation of 1,200 kilometers of waterways along the Tocantins and Araguaia rivers. The senator estimates that the waterborne transportation cost of one ton of soy could be half the amount by truck to the port of Santos, which reaches $110.
Sources: Globo Rural/Datamar News