The dredging of the access channel and turning basin at the Port of Cabedelo on the north coast of Paraíba state is now in its advanced execution stage. As per the Planning department, the project is 73% complete, and the Director-President, Ricardo Barbosa, has set a target date of June 19th for its inauguration. According to Ricardo, “the Spanish dredger will complete the project with 90 days to spare, and we are anticipating its delivery on June 19th, increasing the depth of the entire channel to 11 meters and making the port even more ready for the future progress we are envisioning.” The Paraíba state port authority Docas-PB has estimated that there will be an increase of up to 57% in throughput capacity, allowing the passage of ships up to 55,000 tonnes and increasing the depth of the access channel from 9.14 meters to 11 meters.
Sources: Turismo em Foco/Datamar News