Brazil, traditionally an importer, has set a new wheat export record while also increasing the number of imports in the first quarter of the year. Based on Anec (National Association of Cereal Exporters) data, the wheat export level by Brazil will reach 2.12 million tonnes by March, an increase of 332% compared to 2021. Based on average daily purchases by Secex (Secretary of Foreign Trade), imports will reach 1.54 million tonnes, 10% below 2021. The fact that Brazilian wheat producers have adapted to the requirements of some of the main importing countries, combined with a favorable dollar-real exchange rate, is making Brazilian cereal more competitive in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Secex data point to shipments of 290 thousand tonnes to Saudi Arabia and 230 thousand to Morocco in the first two months of the year. With 220 thousand tonnes, Indonesia and Pakistan, with 138 thousand, were the two largest importers of Brazilian cereal in Asia.
Sources: Folha de São Paulo/Datamar News