Brazilian government has released a weekly report showing that, in October, Brazil exported 5,156,818 tons of unground corn, an increase of 845,210.5 tons. When compared to the previous week, these numbers represent an increase of 19.60%. The price per ton increased by 1.25%, from US$ 165.00 last year to US$ 167.00. The total exported in October was 4.18% higher than that estimated by Anec (National Association of Cereal Exporters), which had projected 4.95 million tons for October. For Lucilio Alves (Cepea), the export volumes correspond to 34/35 million tons, as initially estimated. That will probably maintain the restricted supply and narrow transportation stocks in Brazil. From January to October, the country exported 25,295,629 tons of unground corn, an additional amount of 9.7 million tons remains on track to reach market estimates by the end of January 2021.
Source: Notícias Agrícolas
*Translated by Ia Niani