On September 14, the National Waterway Transport Agency (Antaq) published notices for the auctions of leases for the STS 08 and STS 08A liquid bulk terminals at the Port of Santos. The events will take place on November 19, in a face-to-face session at B3 in São Paulo. The documents are available on the websites of the Ministry of Infrastructure (Minfra) (www.gov.br/infraestrutura/pt-br) and Antaq (www.gov.br/antaq/pt-br), as well as at the agency’s headquarters. Altogether, the leases will require investments of around R$ 1 billion towards modernization, increasing capacity, and construction of a new pier with two berths, which will represent an increase of 50% in berthing capacity in the Alemoa region. The STS 08 has an investment forecast of R$ 260.6 million and the STS 08A, of R$ 678.3 million, making it the largest port tender in history. The values were revised after the studies went through the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU). The term of each lease is 25 years.
Source: Datamar News