For the first time in history, the country should lead world corn exports and account for almost 55% of soybean shipments, indicated new estimates released yesterday by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA projects a Brazilian corn crop of around 125 million tons, or 10.9% of the global total, and forecasts shipments of 50 million tons, 27.6% of the volume transacted between countries. In the 2021/22 cycle, the country accounted for 9.6% of production and 23.5% of shipments. In the case of soy, if the projections of the US department are confirmed, Brazil, with 92 million tons, will account for a record share of 54.9% of world exports of soy in grain in 2022/23, compared to 51.4% in 2021/22, with the country’s production representing just under 40% of the global total.
Sources: Valor Econômico/Datamar News