VLI dispatched soybean loads at the São Luís Port Terminal (TPSL), in Maranhão, and at Tiplam, in the Santos region (SP) throughout January, symbolizing the start of the 2022 soybean harvest. At the beginning of February, the Araguari Integrator Terminal (MG) will conduct the first shipment to the Miscellaneous Products Terminal (TPD), located in Vitória (ES). Once that happens, VLI will have initiated grain handling operations at all three export corridors operated by the company. The Centro-Atlântica Railroad (FCA) and the North-South Railroad (FNS), in Arco Norte, act as flow routes for Brazilian soybeans and other grains destined for export. The multimodal system managed by VLI allows the soybeans harvested, mainly in the states of Minas Gerais, Goiás, Tocantins, Maranhão, and Mato Grosso, to be exported via three different port complexes: São Luís (MA), Vitória (ES), and Santos (SP).
Fonte: Datamar News