On May 27, VLI, the manager of Centro-Atlântica Railway and the northern part of Norte-Sul Railway, together with Hidrovias do Brasil S.A., an integrated logistics operator focused on waterway transport, announced a partnership for a technical evaluation of the Ferrogrão project. The announcement was made and validated through a memorandum. The railway is essential to boost the flow of grain through the Nothern Arc and consists of a 993-kilometer line from Sinop (MT) to Miritituba (PA). The partnership of VLI and Hidrovias do Brasil combines their respective expertise in the study of a multimodal logistics solution for Ferrogrão and in the search for an investor partner. “The Nothern Arc enables the country to grow in a planned, sustainable and efficient manner. The infrastructure designed by the federal government for the Ferrogrão project will bring benefits to the total logistical cost and to the users”, says Ernesto Pousada, CEO at VLI. In his opinion, the region is closer to the destination of agricultural cargo exported by the country, which contributes to a lower total logistical cost for the client and reduces fuel consumption and the emission of pollutants.
Source: Portos e Navios (*Translated by Ia Niani)