Since 2017, when the State of São Paulo and the sugar-energy sector signed The Green Protocol, the mechanization of the sugarcane harvest has prevented the emission of more than 11.8 million tons CO2 and 71 million tons of air pollutants. During this period, 132,285 hectares of riparian areas and 7,315 springs were restored, with the planting of more than 46.7 million native seedlings. In recent years, the Protocol has also contributed to reduce 46% of water consumption, reaching an average level of 0.82 m³/ton of crushed cane and the cogeneration of electricity, with 17.43 MWh produced and 9.97 MWh exported to the electricity grids in the 20/21 harvest. The Green Protocol is an extension of the agreement signed ten years earlier to consolidate the sustainable development of the sugarcane segment and drive actions to overcome the challenges in the mechanization of the sugarcane harvest.
Source: Jornal Cana (*Translated by Ia Niani)