The Port of Santos is likely to maintain a similar handling rate of the product compared to 2021. The Santos port complex will probably have the same pace of work seen as last year. “A substantial portion of soybeans exported via Port of Santos comes from the state of Mato Grosso, which saw a regular harvest,” reports the specialist in Infrastructure and Agribusiness Maurício Sampaio. In Santos, data from the Santos Port Authority (SPA) point to annual growth in soybeans handling: in 2019, there were 18.7 million tonnes, while 2020 registered 21 million tonnes and, in 2021, the port saw the handling of 23.3 million tonnes of the product. For the president of the Union of Port Operators of the State of São Paulo (Sopesp), Régis Prunzel, these numbers serve as a basis for this year’s estimate. Despite the decrease in the total yield of soybeans, the country can expect approximately two million tonnes per year. “For 2022, we do not see any damage or instability to run the crops of soybeans, sugar, corn, soybean meal or other general cargo movements in the Baixada Santista region”, he said.
Source: A Tribuna/Datamar News