The Port of Santos has investment contracts worth R$ 5.4 billion in progress. If all auctions that the government hopes to conduct this year for the Port of Santos are completed, the administration expects to secure another R$ 5.8 billion. The new terminal STS08A, won last year by Petrobras, and STS11, recently acquired by Chinese Cofco, stand out among all ongoing investments, including old contracts and recent releases. In terms of investments to be contracted this year, the auction of the STS10, a gigantic container structure, is expected to be the most valuable. According to Bruno Stupello, director of business development and regulation, the Federal Audit Court (TCU) will discuss the concession of the FIPS concession, the internal railway of the port of Santos, over the next month. The new settlement will replace the present Portofer concession, which administers the port’s inner train tracks.
Sources: Valor Econômico/Datamar News