For the fourth consecutive month, more than two million tons were handled at the Pecém port terminal in a single month. In November, imports totaled 1,556,667 tons and exports totaled 740,729 tons. In total, 2,297,396 tons were handled – it was the best monthly handling ever recorded in the Port of Pecém. The result represents a growth of 10% compared to the previous month (October/2021 – 2,095,848 tons). In comparison with the same period last year (November/2020 – 1,464,294 tons), the growth was even higher, approximately 56%. With the November closing, the Ceará port terminal reached a new record: 20,405,383 tons handled between January and November 2021 – a growth of 41% compared to the same period in 2020, when 14,458,128 tons were handled. Year to date, exports totaled 6,583,475 tons this year – a growth of 37% compared to the same period in 2020 (Jan-Nov 2020: 4,788,666 tons). Imports totaled 13,821,908 tons, an increase of 43% compared to the first eleven months of last year (Jan-Nov 2020: 9,669,462 tons), thus consolidating Port of Pecém as a gateway to the north and northeast regions of Brazil.
Source: Datamar News