Corn and canjica, a variety of white maize typical in Brazilian cuisine, have had a significant increase in exports lately, especially through the Paranagua Port. The Container Terminal of Paranaguá (TCP) disclosed expressive figures. From January to May 2022, 392 TEUs of corn were exported. In the same period this year, that number jumped to 1,181 TEUs, representing a 201% increase. Popcorn kernels experienced a growth of 196%, going from 381 TEUs in the first five months of 2022 to 1,129 TEUs from January to May 2023. Additionally, canjica kernels saw an increase of 29% (from 24 to 31 TEUs), and rice had an increase of 49% (from 39 to 58 TEUs). The main exporters of these products in 2023 were Egypt (corn and popcorn), Cape Verde (canjica), and Angola (rice).
Sources: Jb Litoral/Datamar News