The private sector and the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) made an alliance to grow wheat for the first time in the state of Ceará. The crop growing is still in its experimental phase, having produced around 9 tons of wheat so far, which represents 1.6 tons per hectare yielded. The project has given surprising results for the state’s agribusiness in record time. One of the most important benefits is the short growing season of 75 days, whereas the period between planting and harvesting in other Brazilian regions is around 140 and 180 days. Likewise, Ceará’s productivity was superior in comparison to the South region of Brazil, which was around 2.4 tons per hectare, and slightly below that in the Midwest region, of about 5.5 tons per hectare. Currently, the Northeast of Brazil imports around 100% of the wheat that is consumed in the region, from Argentina, Uruguay, the United States, Canada and Russia, as well as from other regions of Brazil.
*Translated by Ia Niani