During the coronavirus pandemic, orange juice consumption increased in some of the main regions of the world between the first weeks of March and the first days of April. The statement was made on Wednesday 29 by the executive director of the Brazilian Association of Citrus Juice Exporters (CitrusBr), Ibiapaba Netto, in an interview broadcast live by Globo Rural’s Instagram profile. According to him, market research has detected greater demand, especially in American retail. In the United States, the increase reached 40%. In Europe, the movement was similar. This movement may be related to the fact that the orange is known to be rich in vitamin C and also to a consumer decision to store more food, due to the uncertainties with the pandemic and the isolation measures. “In the first nine months of the crop year (July 2019 to March 2020), the influence of the coronavirus on exports cannot be increased. We noticed that there was this trend of higher consumption.
Source: Revista Globo Rural