The prices of the main agricultural commodities exported by Brazil — in addition to wheat, which the country imports — remained at a high level in September on the international market and ended the third quarter of this year with strong valuations compared to the same period of 2020. Persistent and with no signs of cooling, the rising prices continue to increases food costs in Brazil and worldwide and contribute to keeping inflation rates high — although they also inflate the gross value of rural production and agribusiness export earnings. According to calculations by Valor Data based on second-crop futures contracts, corn closed September with an average value 4.5% lower than in August, but with gains of 20.9% compared to December and 42.4% compared to September of last year. The average price in the third quarter, 56.7% higher than that recorded between July and September 2020, reached the highest level for the interval since 2012.

Sources: Valor Econômico/Datamar News