Brazilian ports handled 1.21 billion tons of cargo in 2021, according to the National Waterway Transportation Agency (Antaq). Shipments, including public and private terminals, grew by 4.8% last year. Antaq forecasts that Brazilian ports will handle 1.239 billion tons of products in 2020, an expansion of 2.4% over 2021. The transportation of solid bulks, which have a share of 58%, increased 1.8% in 2021 vis-a-vis 2020. In total, the sector handled 703.6 million tons. The total amount of liquid bulks transported was 313.7 million tons. In comparison to 2020, this represented an increase of 8%. Last year, loose general cargo handling increased by 11%, reaching 60.1 million tons; this category accounts for 5% of total handling at Brazilian ports. Antaq studies show that 51% of Brazilian long-haul exports go to China. In terms of imports, Brazil’s leading trade patterns are the United States (24%), China (11%), Russia (7%), and Argentina (6%).
Sources: Valor Econômico/Datamar News