In the coming days, Vale expects to receive the first-ever wind-powered mineral transport ship in the world. The ship, a VLOC (Very-Large Ore Carrier), is a Guaibamax, with a load capacity of 325 thousand tons, and five rotating sails, set to be 8% more energy efficient, reducing what is equivalent to 3.4 thousand tons of carbon dioxide per ship a year. If the pilot proves to be efficient, at least 40% of the company’s ship using the technology would reduce Vale’s emissions by 1.5%. The rotating sails are large metal cylinders four meters in diameter and 24 meters tall. While underway, the cylinders spin at different speeds, depending on the ship’s conditions, creating air pressure differences that help propel the ship forward, which is known as Magnus effect. The operation is part of Ecoshipping, Vale’s program to reduce its carbon emissions.
Source: Conexão Mineral (*Translated by Ia Niani)