With Brazil’s Fuel of the Future law, the country expects to produce 1.6 billion liters of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) by 2027, supported by investments totaling R$17.5 billion. Currently, SAF is not produced commercially in Brazil, but four companies—Acelen, Raízen, Petrobras, and BBF—are preparing. Airlines will need to cut emissions by 1% in 2027, increasing to 10% by 2037. Azul, Gol, and Latam believe multiple suppliers will be necessary to meet demand. Acelen and Raízen are heavily investing in SAF production, with Acelen growing macaúba palms and Raízen focusing on ethanol-based SAF. Petrobras is also investing in biofuel alternatives. Acelen and Petrobras are developing flexible biorefineries, but raw material availability remains a challenge. The federal government aims to cut 17.2 million tons of CO2 emissions between 2027 and 2037 through this initiative.
Source: Nova Cana