Antaq approved the document improvement contributions received during the public hearing held for the leasing of the Port of São Sebastião. The future lessee will sign a 25-year contract. The estimated value of the agreement reaches R$ 237.4 million. Other estimated investments go near R$ 3.263 million. By 2060, the port is expected to handle 56 million tonnes per year, representing an average growth of 0.3% until then. The proposed minimum grant amount will be R$33.3 million and must be paid in a single installment. Currently, the port is managed by Companhia Docas de São Sebastião (CDSS). There is a Private Use Terminal in the organized port area owned by Petrobras Transportes S/A – Transpetro, called São Sebastião Waterway Terminal. The total area to be leased is 32.60 km². According to federal government policy, the concession of the Port of São Sebastião will result in productivity gains in terms of management, efficiency, and agility in purchasing and contracting.
Source: Datamar News