Soybean exports from Brazil are expected to reach 7.1 million tons in February. This volume represents a drop of 400,000 tons compared to the previous forecast released by the National Association of Cereal Exporters (Anec). The association also reduced to 350,000 the expected number of corn exports in February instead of the 521,200 tons estimated in the previous week. On the other hand, Anec slightly raised its soybean bran export expectations by 50,000 tonnes to 1.95 million tonnes. If the projections are proven correct, the volume of soybeans shipped this month could rise 1.59 million tons compared to the same period last year, landing a new record. Soy bran exports would also increase by around 1 million tons year-on-year, while corn shipments would fall by 158,000 tons.
Sources: Money Times/Datamar News