Port of Ilhéus handles the first cargo of nickel in 2021, with 10,000 tons moved to China. The ore material is widely used in the metallurgical industry, in batteries and rechargeable accumulators. Global demand has been growing and is expected to continue do so. In 2020, the Port of Ilhéus handled 73,750 tons of Nickel. The product comes from the Mine of Santa Rita and is operated by Atlantic Nickel, in Itagibá – Bahia. It is the second largest nickel mine in the world, only behind Voisey’s Bay, in Canada. The company’s projection is to double its production capacity with the underground operation planned to be started in 2028, which will increase the lifespan of the mine from 8 to 34 years. Expansion studies also point to the recent discovery of a new deposit in the same geological belt, revealing logistical integration viability as a factor that may lead to the success of the project.
Source: Portos e Navios
*Translated by Ia Niani